That's Pogo I am torturing. He was a good dog. We kids thought he was our dog, but really he was Dad's dog. We called him Pogo because as a puppy he was white like the Possum in the Comic Strip. Pogo uttered the immortal word, "We have seen the enemy and they is us". I think our Pogo was just as wise. He is the one we told our troubles to.

There are a lot of things I blew in my life. One was not going into the Theater as a profession. I was always putting on plays as a kid. This is Christmas 1954. My Parents built two rooms onto their house so I could have my own room. The other room was a family room. For some reason rather than having a regular door they put in a double wide open door. I guess they figured that when my Grandmother passed on I would move into the room she was staying in and then the back rooms would not need to be private. My Parents never imagined at that time that there would have three children.

Anyway, I by default had a Proscenium to work with and work with it I did. The curtain that was put up to give me some privacy made the stage complete. The curtain can be seen to the right side of the Nativity Scene. The two rooms were the same size and for my productions the outer room was where the audience sat and my room was the stage. Very appropriate as most of my life as a child was lived in a fantasy.

Before my sisters, there was Donna. She has appeared here a number of times. I have no one to ask now, but it dawned on me that Donna moved before my parents adopted my sisters. I wonder now if the absence in my life of Donna caused me to ask for a sister - one that mine so she would not move away. At the young age of 6 I had so many people leave from my life.

I wish I could remember why I wore those boots. This was the period that I called myself Rawls.