First Picture is of me in my scout uniform. In Alvin we got our uniforms from Bates Clothing. It was on Gordon and was a wonderful old store that had a disordered Order about it. There was a smell that was a blend of new clothes and new shoes mixed with a little dust and age. I guess Mr. Bates ran the place and you asked for what you wanted and he knew right where it was. On top top of that pile or under this pile. Quite a place to start the first adventure where I had costumes, I mean uniforms.

A salute. All these pictures come from a scrapbook I made for a merit badge or something. This picture is from October 1954, I was 6. Probably just starting Scouts. My Den Mothers were Mrs Howard, Tommy Howard's Mother, and Ivy Lee, Terry Lee's mother.

I remember this Indian costume, it was for scouting, and I am sure it was totally inappropriate. I was hardly the average boy. I was going to go to summer scout camp and my mother made a huge canvas TeePee for me. We painted Indian Symdols ont he sides of the Teepee. I wish I could find a picture of it. This was taken in February of 1955 (as was the first picture).

Finally, I got to camp. It was August 1955. I got sun-burned as usual. This is the picture of my den. Kneeling are Larry Dewitt, and Walter Todd. Standing is Wayne Lynch, an unidentified kid, Tommy Howard, Me, Mrs Howard, Franklin Ball and another kid with his face covered.

The camp was Camp Mohawk on Chocolate Bayou. There was a lake in the middle of the camp and it seemed to be a pretty large lake. It wasn't. There was a Webelo Ceremony. A burning arrow was shot across the water and that lit (or so we were to believe) a large burning arrow. Then the Chief Aleka brought back from the Indian Beyond to preside over the Ceremony. Jim Briscoe played Akela. TO a seven year old it was pretty impressive stuff.

Akela arriving.

The Burning Arrow.

Camp Mohawk is now a County Park. It had been run down but now the County has been upgrading it. It has overnight facilities as well as day use of hiking trails and play areas. (030409)