Nana was my Mother's Mother. This is my Father's Father. I really do not know a lot about him. They (he and Mother Pearson) lived in Clarmore. Oklahoma. I remember that we made three trips there. This picture must be in August of 1949 for my Birthday. We were also there for a Christmas and for Granddad's funeral.

I really do not remember this visit and is in my knowledge only in that I have pictures of it. IT is my understanding that Granddad ran a general store. When my father was young they lived on a farm in Talalah. It was on land Mother Pearson had inherited, and was part of the Cherokee Reservation there. They raised six children there.
I am not sure when the move to Clarmore was made.
Of note here is that when my father was born, Oklahoma was not a state, it was a territory.
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